
SEO SOS #16 - Directory Listings

Posted by Peter Heinicke on Mon, Aug 20, 2012 @ 11:29 PM

There are several directories that you can also add your links to which will give you a certain amount of exposure.  One of the easiest and most reasonably priced linking websites is Strongest Links (http://www.strongestlinks.com ) and offers a free 30-day trial period with full functionality.  This website will give you an updated list of directories, the price they charge (if any) and how valuable the directory is as shown by various statistics.

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Tags: Web traffic, Website Traffic, SEO Authority, Web Optimization, link building, page rank

SEO SOS #15 - Linking Strategies

Posted by Peter Heinicke on Wed, Aug 08, 2012 @ 09:57 PM

The Internet would not exist if it weren't for keywords.  But the second most important element of the Internet involves linking of websites.  Think of it  -- its called the World Wide Web because all websites are connected to other sites in some way.  One website leads to another which leads to another which leads to another.

There is a double-bind involved when you entertain linking to other websites.  No one wants to send people away from their site by linking to another website.  However, you wont get any links to your website if you dont create any links from your website to others.  It is important that search engines see that your website is connected to the rest of the Internet by seeing links coming to your site from other locations.

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Tags: Web traffic, Website Traffic, SEO Authority, Web Optimization, link building, page rank

Changing Content - SEO SOS #13

Posted by Peter Heinicke on Wed, Aug 01, 2012 @ 04:40 PM

One of the most important factors that affect the search engines indexing your web pages for search engine results pages (SERP) positioning and page rank is changing website content.  If your pages are published but never updated or changed, you will never be ranked high enough to show up in the first few pages of a SERP.

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Tags: SEO | organic search | Paid Search, targetted Marketing, SEO, Web traffic, Search Engine Optimatization, SERP, SEO Authority

SEO SOS #09 - The Power of the 5 W's

Posted by Peter Heinicke on Tue, Jul 03, 2012 @ 08:25 AM

In the past several weeks, we have covered the content requirements in order to develop your website as an authority in your field. While this makes sense, sometimes it is difficult to get a handle on how to approach this task of creating perfect content that is appealing to your viewers and at the same time, attractive to the search engines. As a suggestion for organizing your thoughts about content, think of the 5 W's: Who, What, When, Where, Why. When you can answer the 5 W questions, you have covered your content needs. Let's look at the 5 W's individually.

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Tags: SEO | organic search | Paid Search, Inbound Marketing, 5 W's, SEO, Search Engine Optimatization, SERP, SEO Authority, Content based Marketing

Your Website's First Impression - SEO SOS #5

Posted by Peter Heinicke on Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 11:15 PM

We have focused on keywords for positioning and for content in past lessons. Now we need to look at traffic generation soon. But first, let's consider what a visitor sees when they do arrive at your site. Does your site convey authority on its topic? Does it get to the point of what you do and what you offer right away? Is the navigation logical and easy to understand? Yes, we want traffic; but we want that traffic to stick around, too. Your web statistics will show where a viewer enters your website, where they exit and how long they stay. So you will be able to easily determine the success of how well-like your website it. We'll cover more on web stats in a later SEO SOS lesson. Two things are of paramount importance in your web design: 1) The first impression you make, and 2) The navigation style you use. Let's explore first impressions of a website in this lesson. We've all heard the expression, "You only get one chance to make a first impression." With the breadth and depth of the Internet, this statement couldn't be more important. Factors that impact how well your website is received include:

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Tags: SEO, Web traffic, Website Traffic, SERP, SEO Authority, Web Optimization

Using Image Tags to Embed Keywords - SEO SOS #4

Posted by Peter Heinicke on Wed, Jun 13, 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Sometimes it is difficult to find ways to add keywords to your content without the copy sounding completely phoney. The goal is from 2% to 7% keyword density and while it is not always easy to find ways of using those keywords, there is a technique you may not be aware of using the keyword ALT tag. When you place an image in your HTML code, one of the parameters that can be added is called the ALT tag. This tag is simply a place in the image tag to put a description, name or title related to the image. It does not show unless you have a browser that show ALT tags when you hover over the image with the mouse. Another time you may see this text is when the image is loading. But the search engines do see this text description and will index it to help you gain keyword recognition for the website. This technique is more effective if you vary the ALT tag content so it is not just a repetition of the same keyword or keyword phrase over and over. 

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Tags: SEO | organic search | Paid Search, Website Traffic, Search Engine Optimatization, SEO Authority

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