IT Support Blog

Seven reasons you need a Human Firewall

Posted by Peter Heinicke on 2/24/17 2:53 PM

Automated tools like anti-virus software, firewalls, and other computerized security technology can only go so far to eliminate the threat posed by a small army of professional hackers. Like most crimes, the human element is critical for the cyber crime to be successful. To combat this, I  sorted out 7 urgent reasons why you need to create your "human firewall" as soon as you possibly can.  Employees are your last line of defense and need to become an additional security layer when attacks make it through all your technical filters. 

 Your users need to be trained to become a human firewall against cyber attack


  • Phishing leads the IRS dirty dozen of scams
    • Phishing is the use of phony email to obtain information or compromise systems. The Internal Revenue Service rounded up some of the usual suspects in its annual look at the Dirty Dozen scams you need to watch out for this year. It should come as no surprise that the IRS saw a big spike in phishing and malware incidents during the 2016 tax season because the agency has been very public about its battle with this scourge.


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Tags: Anti Virus, ransomware, phishing, vishing, spam